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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Learning is Fun!

Or it might just be me who thinks that way. Currently I am not in school but I do plan to go to college. While looking for colleges I try to see how similar to my high school they will be as far as class activities, participation, and finding fun and inventive ways for you to learn.

Here are some examples of what I mean:
Fundamentals of Allied Health Class
Gown Lab/Day
This is Me. We had to dress up in gowns to learn the correct way of taking them off before going outside and doing the lab part. It was fun.
We first changed from the expensive cloth gowns to the disposable ones. Then we all went outside and had fun messing around, splattering fake blood on each other. It was to simulate blood or body fluid splashing on your during a surgery.
After that we had to take it off without getting the fake blood on our clothes. It was to practice safe and correct gown removal so as to not get any pathogens, bacteria, viruses, and diseases on us. Safety is Priority.
Wound Bandaging Lab/Day
We got to learn about controlling bleeding and bandaging it up using a fake arm attached to an IV drip filled with fake blood. It's designed to bleed the three different types of bleeds that can occur. I can't remember names at the moment but I know there is three of them. That was fun. Everyone thinks I look drunk in this picture. Do I really? lol

We had to pretend that our partners had several different types of injuries and then bandage them up accordingly. It would range from impaled objects to abrasions, to amputations and so on and so forth. This is me bandaging my partner and friend Alida. She's deaf so although she looks like she is injured she is actually just seeing what her interpreter was saying since there was an announcement, plus she was tired. I promise I didn't really injure her.

Eye Dissection Lab

Don't worry, it's a sheep's eye and it died of natural causes. Trust me, I wouldn't dare do this to a sheep's eye or any animals eye if it DIDN'T die of natural causes because I am a HUGE animals rights activist. This lab was to determine and identify the parts that make out eyes work. The eyes between animals and humans are no different except for maybe shape depending on species but still functionally the same.

After the first cut, I can't remember the parts so forgive me but it's pretty cool. There is a clear liquid in the eye that keeps that white ball to stay in it's place.

This is both halves of the eyeball but showing different parts. The right half(near the thumb), is the front part of the eyeball whereas the left part(at the top of the palm), is the back part. The clear-ish piece on the fingers was attached to the inside of the front part of the eye.

This is what the left half of the eye from the above picture looks in a close-up and after that thin layer of clear tissue was removed. This is eye pigmentation if I am correct. Pretty cool that this is actually in our eyes.

My group. Alida got to make the first cut, she had to cut away the fat tissue around the sclera that keeps the eye in place in the eye socket besides the muscles. Plus she could see the nerve that extends and attaches to the brain better than me since I didn't have my glasses or contacts and Madison had a hurt arm. Don't be fooled, those are not glasses we are wearing but protective goggles. Who knows what might fly. We had to keep that part on the eye as part of the lab.

I got to make the second cut into the eye. I had to cut the eye in half. Oh there was this popping sound then liquid pooling out. But it was pretty cool.

These are types of things that I look for when looking for classes, not particularly these activities but the class fun and learning things from experience and what not. Learning can be fun and creative. Heck when I tutored kids everything would be made into a way for the kids to learn it and not be bored out of their minds. Like baking cookies to learn fractions.

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