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Monday, January 19, 2009

Hanging out...

I went and hung out with an old friend of mine. Even though it was just a hang out with a friend sort of thing, I got..I think the term is "all dolled up." I don't know sometimes I am just like to dress up and put make up on. I guess I was trying to make a good impression since I hadn't seen this friend in a long time or maybe just because I have been cooped up in the house helping out with my mom and the house duties...I don't know. Anyways, he took me to the movies although I insisted I pay, because he just broke up with his girlfriend and we went there to cheer him up. Anyways, he won that part and paid for me and him....not fair, but he's sweet. We went and say the movie "Hotel for Dogs." It was a really good movie and I won't ruin it for anyone but if you get a chance go and see that. [Movie poster credit belongs to]

It's not just today that I am excited about, I have been hanging out with more of my old friends and talking to a lot of them and it's been really nice to be doing that again. It's been really great seeing everyone again. Although there are still those old troubles coming up with certain friends that can never be in the same room but they don't fight because they are such a good friend. I try not to put them in the same room because I don't want to force them to be there but if they choose to stay and put up with it and set aside their disputes to deal with later then that's their choice. I am grateful to have good friends.

I was really worried because my mom has been on new medication and they have been giving her small seizure like tremors and I was worried about leaving for multiple reasons but I am glad that she made me leave. I mean it's not like I didn't want to go and hang out with my friends it's just hard to do when your whole life is your family and family is the first and foremost priority, that if I were to leave, it feels like I am letting not only myself down by my mom. I was really hesitant to leave her when she's adapting to her new medication because being the way I was raised I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something were to happen while I was away...but I know that some things are out of my control and things happen for a reason and I can't doddle on things that may or may not happen.

But enough of that bad feelings, I am glad that I went today and hung out with my friend. It was even more rewarding to see him cheer up. After the movie we came to my house and talked and watched "I, Robot." We just couldn't seem to get enough of watching movies..hehehe. I was surprised because as it turns out, I was more tired than I felt and I ended up falling asleep, using his shoulder as a pillow and when I woke up I freaked out because I never fall asleep when I have company over. I was so embarrassed.. He was so sweet though, he stayed there so I could sleep because he didn't want to wake me up and also he didn't want to leave without saying a proper goodbye. When I did wake up he just smiled and asked if I had a good sleep, even if it was only for about 2 hours. He's a really good friend and I am lucky to have him as one. He still stayed for a bit longer after I woke up and we talked some more before I finally had to send him on his way because it was getting late and although we are adults--well young adults--guidelines need to be set...or am I just really old fashioned? Well for some reason I don't think I chose the right word...guidelines just doesn't seem to fit there but I can't think of the word I was meaning to say...oh well. When I do I will have to change it.
[Picture courtesy of credit for the friends in holding hands picture belongs solely to them.]

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