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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Book of Tomorrow

At some point, I plan to write a book or two. I have already started on two totally different ones and am now starting on my third. I can't seem to keep my mind on track when writing any of them. I want to finish the first two but for some reason I just can't think of how to finish them.

One is a research based book about the Hemophilia, since it runs in my family and not very many people know about it, especially doctors. While the other one is a fiction/fantasy book about vampires...oh no not another one. The new one I want to write has something to do about parenting and what not..

I am not quite sure if I actually want to publish my books, maybe sometime in the future but as for now I just want to finish them but as said above; I can't seem to keep my mind on track. There is plenty of time for me to finish them. This is why I wish I didn't have such a random though process. If I don't record something right them and there and I think about something else then I have lost that thought forever. I should just sit down and force myself to write them...that hasn't worked for me yet but who knows..

sorry for the rant/rave....I don't know...

[credit for the pictures belongs to]

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