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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Other things I love to do.

I want to share with everyone some things that I love to do besides sketching and photography. There are as follows:

Spending time with my family:Family is very important to me so I try to spend time with them or talk to them as much as possible. Even though we have the great invention called the phone, I still love using my penmanship to write letters to relatives. It's just nice to get letters and sometimes they will keep them which just makes my heart tingle with joy.
Sewing:mostly by hand, I am honestly afraid of sewing machines. I design and make dresses for dances and cos-plays. Sometimes I just design the dress and ask someone else to make it
ScrapBooking:I do this as a side job kind of. People pay me to make specialized scrapbooks for things like weddings and vacation trips. I am trying to make preset scrapbooks that way people can add their own photos
Cross-stitching and Latch hooking:not that good yet at the cross-stitching, good at latch hooking, I make pillows and rugs out of then and sell them
Carpentry:I have only worked on projects that are additions to houses so far. I have made sheds, decks, wells, patio coverings, make rooms, stairs...that's all I can think of so far
Landscaping:My dad always put our landscape together, from the trees to the grass to the flowers, I love setting up landscapes for people.
Painting:I have sold two pieces to an art collector, I plan to possibly sell more in the future
Sculpting/Ceramics:I love making things with clay. it's so fun and it's sort of like baking in a sense
Tutoring:I love helping kids who are struggling to learn certain things. It's just amazing to see their faces light-up when they achieve a grade in the subject(s) that they were having difficulty in and I love teaching them strategies on how to remember information.
Child Care/Home Care/Pet Care:My mom used to do Day Care when I was growing up. I liked helping out so I started doing it when I turned 12. I worked out a system or pay group so that I can help all classes of people. From single parents with low income, to both parents with either one or two income. I would adjust my rate of pay per hour depending on their financial situation. That's why most people chose me, well that and I am CPR certified, I know how to work with kids that have disabilities, and on rare occasions I would watch either adults with disabilities or elderly people whose families were afraid to leave them home alone. They were nice to talk to and I learned a lot from them. I haven't been doing it recently due to some family issues but I come highly recommended and the kid's and the elderly can't wait to see me again. While my neighbors and friends were out of town, I was the one people left in charge of their pets and home. I was the most responsible and mature out of all the other kids my age and sometimes the older kids. I was very well trusted and never betrayed that trust. And on the days I knew the family would be getting home. I would make cookies and leave them in their kitchen for them, always making sure that I didn't cause any allergic reactions.
Baking:That is the thing I love to do the most. Heck some days I just want to bake for no reason. I can be doing something one minute then poof I want to bake cookies or a cake or any other treat. Cooking treats is a tradition on my mom's side and partially on my dad's side. My grandpa (on my dad's side) loved baking, he actually went to school and got a degree for it.
Fishing/Hunting:I am more partial to the fishing but they both are traditions in my family and I like to keep traditions going. I like what I learned when hunting with my family because if I ever need to I can use that knowledge to get food. I really am not one to hunt for sport that's just is wrong in my view. But my family hunts to teach us the values of creatures and how much food you can get from one type to the other.
Singing:I used to be in choir back in 5th then again in 8th grade. (long story to the years inbetween) I could hit high notes pretty well but not as much so now, sadly I have been exposed to too much second hand smoke. But I still love singing. I do little contests here and there at the local bars and I do karaoke with my family. It's such a great experience.

Well that's all I can think of for now, I know there's more because I try my hardest to experience a little bit of everything. That way I can understand different things and I am more cultured in knowledge about them. Plus I love the idea of being able to use my experiences in jobs and careers. I wanted to share what I did with you all just because. Do I really have to have a reason to share?? And I know it's probably on my complete profile but oh well. No harm in saying things twice.

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