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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Vote and share please

I would love support on my entry at Brickfrish. You don't need to sign up to vote and/or comment but if you want to then feel free to sign up.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Theives are STUPID!

I don't really understand what you gain from thieving. Sure you get something (technically) for free but the point of the matter is that IT'S NOT YOURS! I understand the reasons why people steal but to me they seem stupid (excluding where people steal food to feed their family if they are poor or something, and not because they just don't want to pay the price amount, and cases where people are too high to notice what they are doing at that time but later charge them with the crime, just at that time of highness it's understandable, they're loopy).
Explain to me thieves, what you get out of taking another's work or something. How can you not feel guilty about it? or like in cases of art theft, what's the point of being praised if it's not something you created? It is so stupid to steal anything really. Especially because on the news, they show people stealing really worthless crap. This one was on the news awhile back, some guy broke into a porn store, stole a blow up doll and instead of taking the first one he had, which was the most expensive one, he let it go and grabbed the cheapest. If you are going to steal something at least do it right.
Momma always said, "If it's going to make you feel guilty, then you shouldn't do it" well that works for someone like me but what about those who don't have a moral or ethic center like most thieves do. Just ranting.

Friday, January 14, 2011

art is life as cheeseburgers is death

Not really sure on the title but tried to bring a bit of humor into things since I have felt so...solemn lately. I think that's the word I am looking for to express how I feel. Been looking through a lot of my school papers and trying to organize them--because I am awesome like that and keep all my school papers (mostly because I doodle on them and I find it hard to throw anything away that I have drawn on)--came across some literature I wrote during a really depressive time period and the works really show it. Though when I have others read it, they say that it's also optimistic and hopeful so that fits my personality. I can be down in the dumps or feel like the walking dead but I will almost always--like 99% of the time--find something good about the situation I am in. Felt like dabbling on about random things.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I am against it, but might have to go through with it

declawing, I find that it is a form of cruelity unless done for the benefit of the animal and on the rare occurrences where humans might be endangered--especially children--it must be done. I have a 3 month old female kitten. She came to me as a foster at 5 weeks, was a runt, and was completely feral. I worked through most of her fears and taught her slowly what is acceptable in the house and what's not (like jumping on counters and on tables is a big no-no, sitting on someone's lap while they are eating and/or begging for food is a big no-no, scratching on the furniture and people a big no-no). most of that she has understood except that she is not loosing some of her feral tendencies, how I know, cat in the wild either bury or hide their 'kill/prey' in a tree or somewhere high away from other predators. She does this not only with her food but with her toys. She either hides all her toys in the highest place she is allowed to go on (which is usually my bed, she hides them in my pillow cases) or she buries them in her litter box (for which they are either tossed in the garbage or washed, depending) or she 'drowns' them in her water bowl. I have successfully gotten her to use the scratching post instead of sharpening her claws on the walls and furniture BUT she will not learn, no matter how hard I try, to stop scratching and biting people. She has successfully sliced my finger so bad that I almost needed stitches and all I went to do was pet her. My contradiction is though, I am against declawing unless beneficial to the animal or in cases where humans might be endangered. In which case I might have to declaw her for two reasons 1)the state I am in has a very strict no bit no claw law where if a cat or dog has so many aggressive occurrences, even to the pet owner, they will be put down, and two) I have two little nephews, there is a possibility that they can contract cat scratch fever, actually from what the doctor is, any one of any age can technically contract it but children are the most likely to contract it. all that jazz. I am in a pickle here. Compromise my morals and views to save a cat although I will technically be mutilating it (because declawing is them surgically cutting off their first digit of the finger, look it up if you don't understand what I mean) or do I stick with it and hope she learns before she does worse than she has done now?
what to do? what to do? what to do?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

screaming out.

does anyone else get the urge to just scream out long and loud at nothing and no one in particular? sometimes I am not even angry and I just feel like I should scream to untie the mysterious knot in me that I have no idea why is there. I know I brood sometimes but I never keep anything in me for too long, never bottling up my emotions. I'm straightforward and deal with my emotions and whatever thoughts come with them, sometimes brooding over them or taking a few days to understand them but after I take my time to do that, or just let my emotions go (like taking the time to cry when I need to), then I move on. So why should I have the urge to scream at the top of my lungs when I have nothing bottled up. Maybe it's just me being weird...who knows?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I wonder if it's hereditary because I tend to run into a lot of stupid people. Not stupid in school kinds of people but the people who think jumping off roofs of a 3 or 4 story high building, to see if they can land on the ground below and not die, kind of stupid. Or the kind of people who harass you for no good reason kind of stupid. I seem to be running into a lot of these kinds of people. So is stupidity a genetic anomaly or did these people just get dropped on their heads as babies. Either way, I wish they would stay away from me and make believe they are quarantined from the rest of the world so they do not infect others.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I loathe having my sleeping schedule messed up, even by an hour. Minutes are fine but up to an hour I am overly groggy(if still sleeping for that long) or under an hour I am tired (if I wake up early). My schedule has been so messed up since Christmas Eve. I've been on and off sleeping through the night and some nights I will go to bed on my normal sleep schedule and either stay to that schedule or sleep in way late, and other nights I don't sleep at all during the night and sleep during the day. I think it might have something to due with the recent stress in my life (which is more or less the cause) but maybe also my change in diet. I have reduced my sugar intake (since I stopped eating so much chocolate). No matter how hard I try to get my schedule back to normal it seems to work for a day or two then go way out of whack. It makes me feel off-balance. Then again I never was someone to like change to my routine. I get anxiety attacks.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A realization

I've had an idea today, well not just one but many. And as I go to write or commit to the idea--like if it's one about drawing a design about how to better the world--it flies out of my mind just as fast as it comes. Trying to get the idea back is just as hard as trying to write it down before it leaves the forefront of my mind. So my realization is that any other revelations I have about anything will soon be gone and therefore must not of been good ideas for my mind to quickly to dismiss them...or the other alternative is that my mind thinks too fast...which more often than not is the case.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Wow-ee, that's a lot of stuff...

Hi~ya!! Wanted to give everyone a small update on things since I haven't really been on in a while. Been really sick (that's not really an update...that seems almost normal to me now, always being sick) I have been super sick, it seems, as of Thursday night. Since I have been almost constantly sick, there is no reason for me not to go to work. Yeah I know, health is important, but what do you do when being sick is 'normal'? Stayed at my sister's house because I had to work close to where she lived. Plus I helped out with stuff around the house and with her Christmas shopping. My head hurts and my feet ache from the constant working but I am happy because with the money I got from working, I splurged a tid bit ... and I do mean a tid bit...I bought the cat I've been taking care of (Sylvester) a special collar. It's made for active outdoor cats and is designed to breakway if it gets caught on something. Plus it has this mouse decal on it which is made of reflective material (like the ones they use on cross walk uniforms and suck) that way if light from a car or something hits the decal, it will shine. Which is good because he mainly has black fur. It didn't cost that much but even if it costed more, it would be well worth it. Especially since one of my neighbors has been feeding him (not that I am really mad about anyone else feeding a cat I take care of) BUT if it's human food that can severely damage his system...then yeah. I want a collar on him to show that he BELONGS to someone or that he is fed a healthy diet....hopefully I get the point across in some way. I forgot to add that it has a bell on it. XD I just love bells for cats collars, they are so cute! and I like the jingling sound, it helps to find him.

I am upset though because upon returning home, the weather became quite feirce. Wind and rain so bad that it shakes the windows. I am upset about this because before I went to my sisters house, I had just spent 2 days clearing up the back yard of: cleaning up garbage that my really rude neighbors feel the need to through into our yard (isn't that illegal or something? because I am tired of having beer cans thrown in my yard and they stuff them into our cactuses out front too. No one in my house drinks...wait, my step-dad does but he only drinks beer out of bottle, never cans); weeds (that I had to wait to grow back, if you read my previous journal about step-dad and the weedwhacker); a lot of leaves (from my neighbors tree that hangs over the fence); digging up some dead trees (one wasn't dead but I really dislike boganvia's [sp?] and their thorns); trimming other trees and bushes (got attacked by the branches a couple of times); resetting decor stones and stone borders around yard (somehow they got moved and I know who did it but I am trying to be on a happy note); trimming a vine plant and removing parts of it from the house and resetting it onto a designated gate...and some other stuff...the list goes on but I am not getting to the point I need to. I didn't have enough room in my garbage can, especially after spending a couple of days before that trimming the palms tree fur bark from our two palm trees (it reduces bugs and scorpions around winter time). So, since I didn't have the extra room in the garbage can (and my step-dad refused to load the bed of his truck with this stuff to an appropriate dump site) I just left them in suitable sized piles to remove every so often as the garbage can gets more room. Now that the weather is so bad...the yard and those piles I worked so hard on are now ruined...And ontop of it, all the recycle bins and most of the garbage bins in my neighborhood are tipped over from the wind and stuff is flying around...So there is a lot of added cleaning up to do. But I always say, Clean up the front yard first (because some places have high fines if it's nto a certain status) then clean up the back yard. Especially since the front yard is what people see most.

hmmm, anything else...? I am pretty sure there was another thing I wanted to state (as per usual according to some private messages and emails; I realize I write a lot, but I do love writing and I was raised to explain everything thoroughly so I don't really care one way or another *sorry for the tiny rant/vent/explosion of emotion*) but I can't seem to remember it at the moment.
For now, I will wish you all an early Merry Christmas. I hope you have a great holiday filled with great food, good company, lots of family and friends, and some presents. I am more for the family and food aspect of the holiday but the presents are a nice bonus. =^.^=

Yes, I did say Merry Christmas instead of 'happy holidays.' That is the holiday I celebrate and I will not give it another name because of political or religious restraints. Just because I don't rename it to 'happy holidays' in no way means that I do not respect others celebrations during this period; I do indeed wish that you all have a very happy and enjoyful holiday no matter what it is. I am just getting tired of people snapping at me and correcting me on something that really doesn't need to be corrected. I understand Christmas is a pagan holiday, but who doesn't LOVE free gifts and good tidings at the end of the long year? I LOVE the idea of Saint Nicolas and gift giving--not because I am greedy, oh no I am not very greedy at all--the joy it brings to others as you give them a gift is so....fullfilling and heartwarming.

I got a bit more flowing in text and wanting a bit of diversity in my wording towards the end. Too tired to worry about the rest of it but oh well. It's mostly fun. =^.^=

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Plans for the future.

I love orating and voice acting literature and reading aspiring writers works. I have several voice acting parts for people's fanime's and sims movies. I am always auditioning and am part of an online group called the voice acting company, they do the searching for a lot of the open casting calls and auditions and send them to your based on your preferences for roles to play. Some people won't cuss and some people won't say certain things so I think that is a great thing to do. I will be putting up a new feature on my youtube account as far as orations go, I was given persmission to orate some historical documents and speeches so I will hopefully have at least one or two new ones up each week. I also plan to orate a book that is composed of poems from teens to parents and vis versa to help people connect with their feelings and how to communicate better with eachother, from teens communicating to their parents and vis versa....Being a teenager is a hard thing and sometimes it's hard to find the words to express what you want to say. Hopefully it will help some people have a better relationship with their parents and a more open on.
Besides my orating and voice acting, I am also an artist and am doing a bit of freelance work for some people. I am currently working on several banner requests for people and a couple of other goodies.

That's all I really have to report right now. I do have a very special something else to tell but I am waiting till I am almost finished with the first portion of just a hint, if you are a johnny cash fan, you will like this.