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Friday, January 14, 2011

art is life as cheeseburgers is death

Not really sure on the title but tried to bring a bit of humor into things since I have felt so...solemn lately. I think that's the word I am looking for to express how I feel. Been looking through a lot of my school papers and trying to organize them--because I am awesome like that and keep all my school papers (mostly because I doodle on them and I find it hard to throw anything away that I have drawn on)--came across some literature I wrote during a really depressive time period and the works really show it. Though when I have others read it, they say that it's also optimistic and hopeful so that fits my personality. I can be down in the dumps or feel like the walking dead but I will almost always--like 99% of the time--find something good about the situation I am in. Felt like dabbling on about random things.

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