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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Theives are STUPID!

I don't really understand what you gain from thieving. Sure you get something (technically) for free but the point of the matter is that IT'S NOT YOURS! I understand the reasons why people steal but to me they seem stupid (excluding where people steal food to feed their family if they are poor or something, and not because they just don't want to pay the price amount, and cases where people are too high to notice what they are doing at that time but later charge them with the crime, just at that time of highness it's understandable, they're loopy).
Explain to me thieves, what you get out of taking another's work or something. How can you not feel guilty about it? or like in cases of art theft, what's the point of being praised if it's not something you created? It is so stupid to steal anything really. Especially because on the news, they show people stealing really worthless crap. This one was on the news awhile back, some guy broke into a porn store, stole a blow up doll and instead of taking the first one he had, which was the most expensive one, he let it go and grabbed the cheapest. If you are going to steal something at least do it right.
Momma always said, "If it's going to make you feel guilty, then you shouldn't do it" well that works for someone like me but what about those who don't have a moral or ethic center like most thieves do. Just ranting.

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