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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Whoa! long time no see!

Well I haven't really been on in a while, too much going on. My Mom's doctor's are finally getting her medications right although they are adjusting them now and are doing horrible at adjusting but at least they are doing something now. Dad keeps pushing for me to go to school because apparently I am not human, I am a sponge and I suck knowledge up (lol). No but seriously, I do plan to go back to school but it's annoying to be pushed to go when I am not sure what to do at the moment because I lost my inspiration to become a Vet (don't know how but I did), so I am back to square one.

My step-dad...where to begin with that two-timing, no good, mooching, drinking, butt wipe! Oh I know, he has no problem telling my mom off when he thinks somethings wrong or something is not to his KINGLY likings, but when it comes to his ex-wife he turns into a scared turtle balled up in his shell. I have no problems with my step-brother and sister--well besides normal sibling problems like don't touch my stuff--but it's annoying that they practically live with us and whenever they come over it's like NO RULES apply to them. What is up with that? Not only that but I just love*note sarcastic tone* how he can sit back all cozy and make fun of my brother (who bear in mind is Autistic so zoning out is common and has hemophilia so has LIMITATIONS [not can't completely do] with sports and such), but his kids sit around and do nothing at all but watch TV and eat junk food and act like spoiled brats. I just want to hit my step-dad upside the head with the book "Common Sense." He has no right making fun of my brother because he is different and especially when his kids are not different but they act like the do...does anyone besides me see the problem here. Sure they know how to follow orders but they sure as heck can't think freely. I can GUARANTEE that when he lived by himself, he NEVER got his kids this much and the ex-wife is a huge female dog!!
On top of that my step-dad is a pain in the butt--and this next part might seem silly to you but it's not to me and before you jump to random assumptions, read thoroughly--I told him not to touch any of the weeds out back because I was going to do them. Yeah that was like 3 days ago BUT I was kind of busy with something else and I was having a huge insomnia thing going on for like a month, so by the time I wake-up with how sensitive I am to the sun, I can't go outside till it gets later. It may not be a big deal to anyone because who wants to pull weeds, right? But it really made me angry that he went out there today and weed-whacked all of them because 1) I said I was going to do them and I SERIOUSLY was going to do them, 2) My golly, forgive me oh holy step-father that it wasn't done on your gosh darn schedule!*very sarcastic and angry* 3) I wanted to do the weeds because I wanted to do something outside that didn't involve sports!, 4)It's a stress reliever for me, I wanted to do it to relieve some stress, plus I am more detailed when it comes to doing this type of stuff, 5) I like being proactive and working outside on landscaping, heck I used to help my Dad all the time when he used to work out in the yard, and 6)He WEED-WHACKED them, how stupid can a guy get; everyone knows that you don't freaking weed-whack weeds because they grow back faster and duh you have to wait for them to grow TWICE as big because they have to get sturdy again! (I don't care if the machine itself is called a weed-whacker, it really shouldn't be used on weeds because it makes things worse. use it on Crab-grass for crying out loud).

One of my aunt's just had a benign tumor removed from her neck and we are all glad that the surgery went well and so far no bad after effects have occurred, where as my one of my other aunt's is to have two upcoming surgeries to fix what previous ones have done. She had gastric bypass and because she lost SO much weight they had to do a lot of surgeries to make it more comfortable for her (seriously, she don't care if she has some saggies but 30 lbs of extra sag just pulling on you hurts like a sun-of-a-gun). We hope that these will be the last surgeries she will need but you never know with doctors these days.

Yeah this seems like chaos to most people but to me it's just another ordinary day. Our family is basically living proof of Murphy's Law: "Anything bad that CAN happen, WILL happen." Well more or less we are....I guess I am sort of the black sheep in the family when it comes to that, but I don't want to jinx it so that is all I am going to say about that.

With all that aside, I did have a really fun day when my sister came over with my nephews. My first nephew Ayden and I made brownies. He made the cutest face when he took a bit of the chocolate from the bowl, oh was it funny. And my second nephew Joshua couldn't keep still and it was fun seeing him so energetic. Of course, every day needs to be rewound and backed up with a nice relaxing bubble bath. Unfortunately for me, the bath was for my nephews and not me. It was a bubble invasion, I say!! I didn't know bubble made suck a mess. Lol -^.^-
Anyways, enjoy the following pictures and films from the day. The films are of Joshua dancing to the music from the toy in his hands *pats myself on the back and says to self in a sarcastic tone "Thank you Captain Obvious, it's not noticeable at all"*. You can see my Sister (the one who's pressing the button and my brother at the computer chair in the back ground. The pictures are of Ayden helping me with the brownies (although I am not shown in the pictures) and yes I am VERY aware that we are sitting on the counter(with a chair for him to get down safely) and that he is not wearing a shirt. I took it off of him because it's his first time making brownies and despite how old he looks he is only about 2 1/2 and turning 3 this May so I didn't know how messy it would get but I was surprised to see how patient he was...that was until his little brother started playing with one of his toys then he couldn't sit still. I remember that phase where I didn't want to share any toys with my younger siblings too, but of course I only had one younger sibling and a pain in the butt older sibling.
I have no idea why the films are sideways, I have tried to correct it but to no avail. It is still cute nonetheless. Also, ignore the sound of my voice talking from behind the camera telling them to dance and what not. The camera makes it sound weird plus I was talking in one of those voices for little ones talk.

Title: Joshua Dancing Part I

Title: Joshua Dancing (then attacking) Part II

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