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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Back to the funny farm for me!

I came back to my sister's house because there is too much stress involving me being back at home with my mom. It seems that even though I went back all I kept hearing from my mom is how peaceful it was without me and how freeing it was. Yeah that's nice and all but the way it was said really hurt because it was like I could do way better with out you here and it was just like yeah...anyways, I am back at my sister's for a couple more days. I was oinly gone for like a day and a half from my sister's and it may be silly but I missed being woken up by screaming toddlers and toys being thrown and temper tantrums...I can't wait to be a mom. It's so exciting. I am just a huge weirdo but this is a short blog post since I have to figure out what craft Ayden and I are going to be doing tomorrow while Josh spends one on one time with mommy that he doesn't get a lot. So stay tuned for more.

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