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Thursday, March 5, 2009

That's the reason no one chose Hilary!

MSNBC released an article about President Barack Obama pushing for UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE. (if you would like to read the article then go here Yeah it all sounds fine and dandy and I am pretty sure that movie "Sicko" made by Eric Moore makes Universal Health Care sound fun and good for the people but really it's not. It means higher taxes for us, probably under the FICA where we won't get any of it back come tax time, and If under universal health care then there will be a limit to the number of surgeries/operations/biopsies/autopsies/etc...that a hospital is allowed to give per year. More that likely this will lead to a lack in the FDA's role and what not in securing that prescriptions and drugs are safe for us because what do they care, they will get paid less, right?

That's of course stuff they will leave out. I know that Mrs. Hilary Clinton was not allowed to bring up the subject because it was found NOT to be in the best interest of the economy so why not let it be brought up when Barack Obama is in office. I am willing to bet that there are more efficient ways to help our economy without making it into universal health care only. Why not put caps on the amount of money that health care insurance places can charge. People in that industry are rich and they rip you off half the time. It doesn't matter if you pay for their insurance or not they will look for any reason not to pay your medical bills. There needs to be a law in effect that makes it illegal for health insurance companies to not pay for procedures and stuff when you pay for it, except when something is against their regulations. There also needs to be insurance for those with preexisting conditions like hemophilia, autism, and what not. Those people aren't in control of what they are born with, so why should they be punished by not having the insurance to pay for their medical needs. that's INHUMANE to do!!

Also what about all these prescription places making you pay crap loads of money for a few tiny pills. They cannot be THAT hard to make and/or produce. They are smart though, they know that they are needed so they put a price tag on your life, probably justifying their greed with something like: "there is no price when it comes to you or your family's well being." Really they are saying in the back of their heads: "this is the only drug they need to survive or help them and so we will charge an arm and a leg and get rich from their suffering." This is one of the huge economic depressors. If there was a limit to how much they can charge for a tiny pill that lasts only a couple of hours then there wouldn't be such a huge hole in the economy.

Even though it's not the best points in the world they are something that is easily removed come the time our economy strengthens and it's a H-E-double hockey sticks better than universal health care. If you don't believe me do some research on it. I mean come on, the reason everyone is coming to America to be a health care provider is because of the money. I understand that we have things set-up the way they are for a reason and to go against what we worked so hard to gain would be outright wrong. It's unconstitutional to have Universal Health Care.

I would love to hear your opinions and views on this subject, feel free to leave some comments and share this with others so they know what to expect. Yeah it sounds all good but research it for yourself because a book's cover may look good but the pages and words inside may be different than expected. To help out I went and searched for U.H.C. Pros and Cons, check it out at The cons(in this case the no) outweighs the pros (in this case the yes). Doesn't that tell you a bit of something.

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