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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Spending quality time!

As we all know, today is Thanksgivings Day. I wanted to wish everyone a splendid one and talk about how great a time I had preparing for the holdiday and helping my mom with the preparations. Our family is a very traditional one. We make everything home-made and from scratch. Last night well into this morning we baked one cherry pie, 2 pumpkin pies, from the extra crust from both we made a secret family treat called doohickees, and preparing the turkey to be cooked old fashioned. We don't like the cooking bags that most people put turkeys in and for those you have to cook the turkey seperately and you loose a lot of the tenderness and flavor of the trukey once done. it was set on low temperature and every so often, either me or my mom would get up to bast the turkey.

I had a splendid time and after everything was done, me and my mom just sat and chatted. Even though we can talk and chat all the time. This was one-on-one time that couldn't be interrupted by anyone because it was just the two of us in the house. I really value that time even though most people would be like, "but you had to cook and stick your hands in a turkey and it took you guys forever and a day to do everything..." I don't mind. My family is a baking and cooking family and it's worth the time, especially more since I got to spend the time with my mom and that's something that just me and her shared that I can look back on and say "hey I remember when we were trying to cook the pumpkin pie and you said I can pour it and you were mad for like a second or two because I overfilled the one pie and we had to pour it into the other one and stuff like that."

I always say to everyone, spend those times with your moms, dad, and depending on the family setting sometimes your grandma. It's quality time. Like for boys, my dad for every thanksgiving has to make sure all the TV's have adequate seating in front of them, that all the speakers are working, then he makes sure he has decks of cards and different games whether they are board games or card games, he sets up kids tables and other things too. When I am at his house I spend that time with him preparing because we talk while we are setting things up. I value that time.

Anyways, I've taken up more than enough of your time. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday and if you don't celebrate this holiday, that's fine but you are missing out on one heck of a feast. I mean come on you have so many regular food and then so many desserts. It's marvelous.

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