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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Recycling Begins in the Home!

Insomnia set in so since I couldn't sleep I decided to clean the house. While cleaning the house...I tend to over clean when I am bored or can't tonight; I decided to put on a pair of gloves and go through the other garbage's in the rooms to find things that could be recycled. I know that sounds YUCK!! But I was being safe, I put on durable latex gloves. ((it almost sounds like I am selling condoms. <---see not very good with the humor, but I will leave it up so you all can see how bad my humor is))
I found that after emptying two bathroom sized garbage's into one big one...we will just say that the bag was full with to about 90% with all that was in there...after like 10 minutes of searching through that one bag and 20 minutes thoroughly rinsing all the plastics and washing my hands...I found that the bag was reduced to less than 20% of stuff counted as non-recyclable ((if that's even a word)). That means for people like me who aren't good with math most the time that about 70% of this 'trash' was able to be recycled. So imagine how much more we would help the environment if we all took that little extra time to recycle or be crazy like me and go trash digging. And it only took me about 30 MINUTES TOTAL to do it.I thought it was cool so I wanted to share what I found with everyone.
And I figure that most people don't want to take that extra time to take what's recyclable all the way to the recycle bin or recycle trash in their house...I came up with some solutions.
Solution #1:
Go and invest some money in buying an extra garbage bin for each room of the house that has a garbage can..make sure you either mark that bin to know that it's the recycle one rather than the trash one or people who are visiting as well as yourself will get confused eventually. This solution makes it easier to recycle conveniently and even if people want to make fun of you, WHO CARES!! You are doing your part to help the environment and you should be proud.
Solution #2:
Take some time once a week or once every two weeks or once a month however you want to do it. Buy some gloves...either durable latex or durable Vinyl ((for those allergic to latex)). Although this is what I did and it may be disgusting for some of you...go through the trashes and find the things that can be recycled. Be SURE to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and mildly warm water after removing the gloves, even with gloves something can still slip in and you want to be careful. That was not meant to scare people just to bring caution when handing things like garbage and stuff with tons of bacteria.
Solution #3:
Stop Being LAZY and just do it...OUR environment is important and if we don't do things about it like 5-10 years, we all will be killing each other over the necessities.
I hope you have found my solutions to recycling a way for YOU to help the environment more. If you have any more solutions that may help others who come across this blog, leave me comments of them or share these solutions with others. If you are unsure of what is recyclable, it can easily be googled or just contact your local city hall or garbage place...they have hot lines for these kinds of things. Even if your town or county does not yet recycle, START the trend and be the first to recycle in your neighborhood, county, town, or state. Show others that you value this earth and you hope they might too.
Since this is my second blog post, I am guessing I look pretty crazy right about now. But hey I don't mind. I take pride in all I do...unless it is something truly stupid like the time we were sword fighting with sharpened, wooden swords. If you know how to do it wood can get sharp and slice skin...oops got off subject again.
Again I hope this helps you in our endeavors to help the environment and I appreciate you all for stopping by!! Oh and for anyone who wants to know why I say all and stuff is because I am not sure how many people come to visit my blog(s) or will come to visit my blog(s) in the future. And I wouldn't want to exclude anyone. -^.^-
DANKE (thank you in German) for stopping by.
Have a restful Sleep!!

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