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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

no time for being sick.

So I am sick...again. it's not as bad as having Mersa but I deplore being sick (as done anyone else...unless you are using it as an excuse to get out of something{even then I don't like it}). So the last 5 or 6 days I have had this horrible sore throat that is just below strep throat but not close enough to strep-throat that doctors will give me the strep throat medicine...which more or less would kick this sore throat bug out of my system a heck of a lot faster. Oh well..whatever doesn't kill me will only make me stronger. Despite my sore throat I still had to sing two parts of a song to finish my animation in time for a the scholarship deadline.

Ontop of being sick my step-dad's parents are in town and they are very active people. They want to visit so many shops and do so many things that I normally wouldn't mind doing if I wasn't so sick and have medicine that makes me drowsy. I did feel well enough on sunday...I think it go with them to the OUTDOOR swap meet which was all the way across town. It took an hour and a half using the freeway to get there. I love going to swap meets, always have since my grandparents and dad took me there all the time when I was a kid. However, that day was not the best day to go to one. Already at 7:30 am, it was about 102 degrees outside. They didn't turn the misters on until later at 9:45am or 10:00 am. I brought a 1 liter aquafina water bottle with me and ended up having to buy 3 more large cups of water while we were there. It was so so hot and I am very suseptable to heat, it made me even sicker but we couldn't leave until my step-grandma was finished. So for about an hour or so I stayed in the food court area under the misters trying to cool down. Towards the end I did check out one shop and got this super comfortable set of pj's and some rocking t-shirts for my nephews. They were really good material for being at a swap meet but hey some of the best stores out there started at a swap meet. =^.^=

I don't really know if I am complaining, ranting, venting, or whatnot...I think I am just talking about events in a weird tone. I am working on another animation but haven't had a chance to start with this medicine making me so drowsy and my step-grandparents wanting to go to every event and store as possible in a day. I probably know I am going to get a comment or an email saying "well you have enough time to write a blog but you don't have enough time to start an sounds to me like you are making excuses for procrastination." Simply, blogs don't take that long to write and I do traditional animation which requires hand-drawn frames and it takes quite a lot of those hand drawn frames just to make a 30-second imagine how many I will need for a 3 minute animation. I am hoping to keep it under 300 still frames but who knows...we'll see how animated I want to make it. Not only that but I really should be asleep right now since I have yet another thing to go to with my step-granparents at like the crack of dawn...I couldn't sleep when I started this blog but now I am pretty tired. I will say though, no matter how sick I am, if they wanted to attend a car show, heck I will be there before them. I love love love car shows to death. The last car show I saw...which sorry I didn't blog about it...was about 2 months ago on a friday. I saw a custom 1930 wagon wheel buggy. So awesome...and what a day to forget my camera of all days. I did bring my sister and nephews to go see it, my one nephew is in love with cars (especially engines) so I knew he had the time of his you could tell by the gleam in his eyes and he was so excited that the moment we put him in his car seat, that was lights out for him. He was out.

Umm...well I was going to discuss some pretty important news but I can't remember what it was...I know it has something to do with Obama pushing something by threatening congress and the house but I can't quite remember what that something is. So until I remember I guess I will just have to leave you guys hanging wondering what it is. If you know leave me a comment so I can jog my memory and tell you what my research has found out about that subject.

Oh and I have added another book to my already 4 that I have started. The story lines are done for 2 of them but the illustrations are still to be completed so I have to hop on that soon. So I will let you know when I talk to the publisher...if I decide to get it published for sure. so hope you all stay healthy and active. =^.^=

I am heading to bed now..night.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Made it to the FINALS!!

Yeah I am now OFFICIALLY a Windows Brand Ambassador and should be receiving my umm virtual MS Brand Ambassador Badge soon to post everywhere. But I am still not done with the finals. I am in them but I need help getting through the weekly Challenges.

Week #1 Challenge:

And if you could vote for my other entries too that would be very much appreciated. =^.^=

Vote for my Friend's entry too please:

No Sign-up needed to vote but if you want to it is completely free and it is a legitimate site.

Monday, July 6, 2009

a week full of fun

At the sister's house again helping with the nephews while her fiance is away on a trip...I think it's a religous trip or something of sorts but not sure and to be honest I really don't care. It's been fun hanging with my nephews and my sister. we've been swimming, watching movies, cooking, all sorts of things and it's been fun. Didn't see any fireworks on the 4th but did have a blast making homemade cookies with joshua who was more harm than help but oh was fun none the less. I have tons of pictures and videos of the boys just being boys and little kids, like those priceless cute moments. It pays to have a camera ready. I will post some of the cutest pictures at a later moment.